Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"OMG I'm so preppy!"

  • Stereotype: preps
  • What they seem to do : talk a lot and laugh loudly.
  • What they really do: talk a lot and be happy.. and sometimes laugh a little to loud.

Preppy people. Or "preps". They are those people who others see as perky people who have lots of friends and seem genuinely happy. For example, in the popular MTV show My Life As Liz, the "preps" rule the school. They walk down the halls with all their friends and seem to overpower everyone around them. They can seem very intimidating, but people stereotype them as rude people with big egos.

People may categorize me as a prep. But I certainly can't blame them. My friends are preppy, i talk non-stop, and i laugh..a lot. This is what people think preps do. They are always with their friends, they gossip and share their latest news, and they tend to be loud. People also think they are mean or that they think they are the coolest people ever. This is not true. Preps are just people who like to be with their friends and who are usually happy people. They are also very nice.

I must admit there usually is the one preppy girl who does think shes queen bee. She may treat others like they aren't as good as her and put them down. She either does this for a certain reason or she really just is not a nice person.

I have heard people say that preps only care about their clothes, hair, makeup, friends, etc. This is and is not true at the same time. I know that I care about how I look during the day and I care if I talk to my friends but that is not the center of my life. I care about my grades and my life away from school. It makes me mad when people say preps are just stupid people who do not care about anything but shallow topics. They may come off as stupid when you hear them in the halls giggling like crazy people or saying "And I was like, oh my gosh!" but really most aren't. My friends are straight A students who definitely are not stupid. They have their "blonde moments" as some would say, but they are also some logical girls. I want people to realize "preps" don't just go around gossiping and doing their hair. They are just normal people like anyone else. They just seem to be overly happy and loud.. haha.

Like I said in my intro, this blog is made to help people understand who the people behind the stereotypes are. They all have feelings. We shouldn't label others because of how they talk, dress, or act. I think we should all be more conscience about what we say about others.

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